Site icon Workday Wanderlust

Finding Adventure in Your Own Town

With a 9-5 desk job, I try to jam-pack my weekends with road trips, airline flights, music festivals or activities with friends. But sometimes, a relaxing weekend at home is just what you need to recharge, recuperate, and unpack! I recently opted for the lazy weekend at home in Texas, and it was there that I found some of the best, and cutest, adventures waiting for me.

For any good adventure, I grab my dogs and camera and hop in the car. Here the girls pose with local street art.
Llamas! Just goes to show, you never know what you’ll find along the backroads of Texas.
Wind in the hair and sun in the sky — the open road beckons.
A quick stop in downtown Waco to pose with the landmarks.
I love how nature finds a way to bloom, even in the smallest of spaces.
“You can observe a lot by just watching.” Yogi Berra
Beautiful backroad reminders of a long history and a fleeting journey.
The kids are spent, time to head home. Until next time!
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